Where to get bird wyvern gems in Monster Hunter Wilds

Bird wyvern gems are an equipment material in Monster Hunter Wilds. You’ll get them from hunting certain monsters or as rewards for certain hunts once you reach High Rank.

You’ll need bird wyvern gems for weapons like the Chicken Decapitator 2 and armor like the Damascus Helm.

Our Monster Hunter Wilds guide will tell you how to get bird wyvern gems and how to collect them.

How to get bird wyvern gems in Monster Hunter Wilds

Bird wyvern gems come from, as you might expect, bird wyverns. There are only two bird wyverns in Monster Hunter Wilds Yian Kut-Ku and Gypceros.

Yian Kut-Kus can be found in the Scarlet Forest and the Iceshard Cliffs. Gypceroses (Gypcerosi?) can be found in the Windward Plains, Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, and the Ruins of Wyveria. Both of these monsters have a very small chance — 3 to 5% — of rewarding you with a bird wyvern gem when you kill, capture, or carve them.

There are no skills that increase the chances of collecting a bird wyvern gem, but you can use a lucky voucher on a hunt to increase your rewards if you do happen to get one.

You might also get them as rewards for certain hunts — unsurprisingly, hunts that involve either Yian Kut-Kus or Gypceroses:

Bird wyvern gems are also a reward for the “Kut-Ku Gone Cuckoo” event quest.